Monday, November 10

Transportation Issues

I don't drive... I don't even know how to (yet), and it's not that I am a minor or that I haven't had the chance to learn, I just hadn't been interested in doing so...

See, I love public transportation. It's odd I know...

Today for example I was a part of what some might call the nightmare of rush hour in Mexico City's public transport. The underground was crowded like you have never seen it, really. People pushed each other in a frenzy but both the train and platform were so full of commuters that no one could actually get on the train.

Despite all that, I managed to start a conversation with some people and I made some friends under the stress of not being able to get home...

When would that happen if I had been driving???

THat's what I love about public transportation, even if it means someone needs to push me to get into the train.

Oh, and the painting above is Nathan Abels and it's called "Run-on Sentence". Cleverest title ever....


Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

LOL - that's AWESOME. I like the painting ;) And don't feel bad for liking the public transport - for each his own!

uniquecommodities said...

I wish we had more advanced public transportation here in Columbia, SC! All we have is buses!

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