Friday, February 6

Pencil Skirt

When I still had dreams of being a fashion designer, I asked my mom to buy me a sewing machine. After a few projects it got shoved to the darkest corner of my closet. About 3 weeks ago I started a project to alter a denim skirt to make it into a beautiful pencil skirt. I started and then managed to procrastinate until today. See, I get back to school on Monday, so I'd like to wear that skirt on the first day. And today I finally finished it. It's a gorgeous one, and I'm so proud of myself. It's custom made!! But the thing is I made the bottom part very tight for it to have a nice effect on the hips and I can barely walk!!! I'll fix it though...

Since I have no camera to show my craftiness, I opted to make a treasury to show the beautiful pencil skirts on Etsy. It's calledWhat a pencil (skirt)!!!.

Oh, and Smitten has a real good article about pencil skirts too...


Memories for Life said...

Oh I hope you get some pics Jemina...I'd love to see that skirt :) I'm sure it's lovely!

uniquecommodities said...

Very nice! I was NEVER thin enough to wear a skirt like this! LOL!

agoodwitchtoo said...

Oh, Pudding! That is awesome! Can't wait to see pics. Hope your first week back at school goes swell ;)

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