Wednesday, December 23

Oh, God!!!

I had been absent.
I had posted sporadically.

I had a lot to handle in this semester. I, for the first time, have had a regular work along with school. School was quite hard this fall too. My dad was offered a job in another city and he's been working over there since mid-October. He has come to visit, but I still miss him so much. There have been problems too, much uglier than I am prepared to accept publicly in this blog, and I just couldn't get myself to post usually as I did once. The finals were so hard and nerve-racking, but I'm now on vacation and will be until February 2nd. Christmas isn't as happy this year as I wanted it to be, and that sucks! I had incredible plans for it that won't be happening and the gloomy holiday mood has set in. Well, at least I have a promising trip planned for New Year's Eve.

So well, that's it in a nutshell.
Just in case you were wondering.

So, I'll post a bit today, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after that, but I will be taking the last days of the year and the decade off since I will be going away.
I hope to resume posting when I've had a fresh start for the year and have come back from my completely unplanned adventure somewhere in the first two weeks of January.


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